Remziye Hisar
First Female Chemist, First Turkish Woman to Earn a PhD from Sorbonne




She was born in Skopje. When she was 9, she completed Nazperver Elementary School which would normally last 3 years in 1 year. Then she went to İttihat ve Terakki School and Istanbul All Girls' Teacher Training School. She decided to be a chemist while studying there.

Remziye Hisar
Remziye Hisar


She was one of 3 female students who enrolled in the department of chemistry of the university.


Just when she started university, she left school because of her father's pressure on her to get married and went to Azerbaijan to work as a teacher.


She was appointed as the principal and literature teacher to Adana Teacher Training School.

Remziye Hisar
Remziye Hisar


She made a speech as the principal when Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Atatürk) and his wife Latife visited the school during their visit to Adana.


At the end of 1923 she went to Paris to study chemistry and enrolled in the Department of Chemistry of Sorbonne University. Her professors included many important names such as Georges Urbain, Marie Curie.


She earned her doctorate. And she became the first Turkish woman with a doctorate from Sorbonne University.

Remziye Hisar
Remziye Hisar

1933 - 1936

She worked as an associate professor of chemistry at Istanbul University.

1936 - 1942

She worked as a Chemistry Specialist at Ankara Sanitation Institute.

1942 - 1947

Between 1942-1947 she taught in the Analytical Chemistry and Toxicology Department of Istanbul University and in 1947 she taught in the Department of Machinery in Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ). She wrote 7 textbooks 3 of which were translated from other languages and 1 book of poem titled A Woman's Voice; she published 22 articles and 16 papers.akültesi’nde doçent olarak çalıştı. Üçü çeviri 7 ders kitabı ile Bir Kadın Sesi adlı şiir kitabı yazdı; 22 makalesi, 16 bildirisi yayımlandı.

Remziye Hisar
Remziye Hisar


She was decorated with Officiel d’Academie by the Government of France. She was the first Turkish woman to receive this decoration for achievements in science!

1959 - 1973

She was made full professor in the Faculty of Mines; she retired in 1973.


She was given TÜBİTAK Service Award.

Remziye Hisar


Remziye Hisar died in 1992 being a role model as the first Turkish female chemist to young women to realize their dreams...